Mr. Madhu Kapoor a graduate in the discipline of Mechanical Engineering established ALT Training College at The Garden City of India Bangalore, in the year 1991.
After a brief career in the Steel Industry, he got involved in the Apparel industry that was subsequently to become his lifetime objective.
Patronised by faculty from all over the world giving students an opportunity to be well educated and to be able to compete across the Globe.
Today the Apparel Industry offers the largest employment potential.
The ALT Training College is the largest and most sophisticated training college for the Apparel industry in the world.
The College is equipped with world class state of the art, machinery, equipment and necessary tools to effectively conduct varying training activities, pertaining to Garment Production; Fashion Design & Pattern Making.
The students have access to the CAD design studio to bring out their creative talent to match contemporary requirement of the industry on most advanced computer applications in Garment & Textile making.Students of this college are sent for internship at different leading; reputed garment-manufacturing units for eight weeks.
An integrated training programme covering the wholesome topics, theoretical and the practical aspect is imparted by way of lectures, demonstration, audio visual aids, practicals projects, seminars, workshops and industrial visits.
The students get to know the world's latest technology through our foreign principals Internship and project report writing forms integral part of the course curriculum for all one and two year courses respectively.
The topics for the project are selected after scrutiny of problem faced in the field of garment manufacturing of serious magnification, project reports prepared over couple of years have established a mile stone in the area of garment engineering at work place, processing of fabrics techno flexibility of finishing department, storage of fabric integration of cutting room access planning, and many more