Advanced Training Institute ATI Kolkata, Kolkata

Type: Government

Affiliated To :

Established In : 1961

Email: [email protected]

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User Ratings

(3 out of 5 based on 11 Ratings)

Address: Location : Dasnagar, Howrah – 711 105 Ph:- 2653-1257, 2653-1225

College Facilities :

  • Computer Lab
    Computer Lab
  • Library
  • Cafeteria
  • Auditorium
  • Hostel
  • Laboratory
  • Sports


The Advanced Training Institute popularly known as ATI Kolkata was established on 23.9.1961 as pioneer training institute under DGET, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India. ATI Kolkata is located at Dasnagar, Howrah, adjacent to the Howrah Industrial Estate and about 9 kms. from Howrah Railway station. It is well connected by  Local trains and by road transport.

The primary function of this Institute is to train the Vocational Instructors  of  various Industrial Training  Institutes/ Centres and other training establishment. The institute also conduct training courses under Craftsmen Training Scheme & Short term duration courses for industrial workers under AVTS scheme.

  • CTI Courses

    Modules (Trade Technology - TT1 &TT2 / Training Methodology - TM / Engineering Technology - ET) and duration of each module is 3 months and for the trades Fitter / Turner / Machinist / MMTM / Electrician / Draughtsman(Civil) / Draughtsman(Mech) / Reading of Drawing & Arithmatic(ROD&A) / Refrigeration & Air Conditioning / Mechanic Motor Vehicle / Welder / Sheet Metal Worker / Carpenter / Foundry Man).

    Craft Instructor Training under CITS (Modular Pattern)

    Advanced Training Institute Kolkata established by Government of India, Ministry of Labour & Employment, offers Craft Instructor Training under CITS(Modular Pattern) for the Modules (Trade Technology - TT1 &TT2 / Training Methodology - TM / Engineering Technology - ET) and duration of each module is 3 months and for the trades Fitter / Turner / Machinist / MMTM / Electrician / Draughtsman(Civil) / Draughtsman(Mech) / Reading of Drawing & Arithmatic(ROD&A) / Refrigeration & Air Conditioning / Mechanic Motor Vehicle / Welder / Sheet Metal Worker / Carpenter / Foundry Man).

    Entry level requirements


    1. Academic : Matriculation or it's equivalent. Additional weightage for higher educational qualification.

    2. Technical:-

    (A) Eligibility for Admission for the modules of TT1, ET & TM will be

        (i) Possessing National Trade Certificate for the relevant trade or

        (ii) Possessing National Apprenticeship Certificate in the relevant trade or

        (iii) Diploma in relevant branch of Engineering.

    (B) Eligibility for Admissions for the module of Trade Technology - 2 will be

        (i) Same as (A) above for other modules and

        (ii) A pass in Trade Technology - 1(TT1) module of the relevant trade of Modular pattern of Craft Instructor Training course.

    Age : Between 18 to 40 years. Age is relaxable to SC / ST / OBC / PH Candidates as per Govt. rules. However, there is no age bar for Govt. Sponsored Instructor Trainees.

    Time of admission -  August every year.

    Mode for admission

    The session commences from 1st August every year and applications for admission are invited through the advertisement in Employment News and other leading newspapers during the month of May/June every year.

    Reservation : First preference will be given to (A) Candidates sponsored by the Directorate of States / Union Territories Incharge of Craftsmen Training. Next, Preference will be given to (B) Candidates sponsored by the affiliated ITCs(for the candidate of affiliated trades only), Government of India Departments, any other Department of State Government / UT, Public Sector Enterprises(Central / State), Industrial Organisations. Then, preference is given to (C) Preferential Candidates i.e., candidates already registered under the Modular Pattern of Craft Instructor Training and passed 3/2/1 module(s). After fulfilling the requirement in (A) + (B) + (C) above, if a certain number of seats still remain vacant the same will be offered to private candidates based on merit only. Some seats of private candidates will be reserved for SC(15%), ST(7.5%), OBC(27.5%), PH(3%), Ex-serviceman(1%) and Woman(30% for each category).

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  • MTI Courses

    Reservation of seats- Seats are reserved as per Govt. Rules.
    • Age-Between 14-40 years on 01.08.2012, 45 Years for Ex-Servicemen and War Widows
    • Selection-Selection shall be made on the basis of Merit.
    • Training cost –Tuition fees of Rs.150/- per month for all trades except COPA, Tuition fee for COPA trade will be charged @ Rs.300/- per month, Caution money deposit Rs.250/- (refundable) for trainees of all trades. Other Fees as applicable. Concessional fees are charged from SC/ST/PH Candidates.

    Trade -  Sheet Metal Worker

    Period of Training - 1 yr.

    Minimum Educational Qualification - 8th Pass(Class 7th pass where Terminal Examination is in 7th ). Admission through Eligibility Test.

    Trade -  Carpenter

    Period of Training - 1 yr.

    Minimum Educational Qualification - 8th Pass(Class 7th pass where Terminal Examination is in 7th ). Admission through Eligibility Test.

    Trade - Welder

    Period of Training -  1 yr.

    Minimum Educational Qualification - 8th Pass(Class 7th pass where Terminal Examination is in 7th ). Admission through Eligibility Test.

    Trade - Fitter

    Period of Training - 2 yrs.

    Minimum Educational Qualification - Passed 10th class examination under 10+2 system of education. Or equivalent.

    Trade - Mechanics (Motor Vehicle)

    Period of Training - 2 yrs.

    Minimum Educational Qualification - Passed 10th class examination under 10+2 system of education. Or equivalent.

    Trade - Draughtsman (Mechanical)

    Period of Training - 2 yrs.

    Minimum Educational Qualification - Passed 10th class examination under 10+2 system of education. Or equivalent.

    Trade - Machnist

    Period of Training - 2 yrs.

    Minimum Educational Qualification - Passed 10th class examination under 10+2 system of education. Or equivalent.

    Trade - Electrician

    Period of Training - 2 yrs.

    Minimum Educational Qualification -

    Trade - Electronics- Mechanic

    Period of Training - 2 yrs.

    Minimum Educational Qualification - Passed 10th class examination under 10+2 system of education. Or equivalent.

    Trade - Mechanic – RAC (Mech.-Ref. & Air conditioning)

    Period of Training - 2 yrs.

    Minimum Educational Qualification - Passed 10th class examination under 10+2 system of education. Or equivalent.

    Trade -  COPA

    Period of Training - 2 Yrs.

    Minimum Educational Qualification - 12TH Class pass under 10+2 system or duly recognized Diploma in Engg.from any polytechnics of 3 years duration. Candidates with Higher qualification will be given preference provided other things being equal.

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    Disclaimer : The Information about this College & its Courses has been taken from the College website & was last updated on 26th November 2014. Students are advised to visit the official website for the latest information. If you are the administrator of this College & need to update the information, Please write in to us at [email protected]

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