The Institute of Insurance and Risk Management (IIRM) is an international education and research organization. The Institute was set up jointly by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) of India and the State Government of Andhra Pradesh, in 2002 for promotion of International Post Graduate Diploma Courses in Insurance / Risk Management(Regular and Distance learning). International School of Actuarial Sciences (ISAS) opened on 6th August 2007 leading to a Post Graduate Diploma in Actuarial Sciences.
With a solid international support, IIRM is committed to assist in expertise development in the area of insurance, risk management, actuarial science, financial planning, pensions and other related disciplines in emerging markets. IIRM conducts research programs that are directly related to the above disciplines and also provides consultancy & advisory services.
IIRM receives international support in its endeavor and works closely with Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), American Institute of Insurance, Society of Actuaries (USA),IRM(London),University of Suffolk(Bostan),Governments and State Regulatory Authorities, Universities, International Associations and Institutes to develop its educational, training and research projects in support of emerging insurance markets. IIRM enjoys the support of illustrious academicians and industry leaders.