BSPHCL Junior Accounts Assistant Recruitment 2014, Patna
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Here are the details of BSPHCL Junior Accounts Assistant Recruitment 2014 job in BSPHCL . This job or placement paper has been sourced from either company website or newspaper or other media and from students who appeared for this job. User is requested to verify the data before applying for the job.
Name of the Company - No of Posts:-
NBPDCL - 150 posts
SBPDCL - 150 posts
Graduate in commerce Degree from any recognised University/ Institute.
Minimum Percentage of marks in B.Com Degree
UR - 55%
SC - 45%
ST - 45%
BC - 50%
EBC - 50%
Age (As on 31.12.2013):-
Minimum - 21 years
Maximum -
UR (General) - 37 yrs
SC - 42 yrs
ST - 42 yrs
EBC - 40 yrs
BC - 40 yrs
Female (UR) - 40 yrs
Mode of Selection:-
i. Merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks o btained in the written test, subject to obtaining minimum qualifying marks.
ii. The minimum qualifying marks in the written test as per Government of Bihar norms, will be 40% for UR, 36.5% for BC, 34% for EBC & 32% for SC/ST/ Female candidates.
How to Apply:-
Apply online on website:- from 09.01.2014 to 21. 01.2014.
For more details about above notification Click Here
Contact Details:
1st Floor, Vidyut Bhawan, Bailey Road, Patna - 800 001
(Disclaimer : This Job or placement paper has been sourced from various sources like print media, Job consultants, past candidates, our users and/ or Company website. The posted date above means the date on which the Job was posted on our site and not on the company site. Users are advised to check with the company for latest requirements before applying for the job. Our website will not be responsible for any loss to the company or the candidate. We have no relation with the company and are not responsible for the validity of this Job. We donot charge the company or candidate or any student anything. If the respective company has any issue with the data provided or they want this particular job or placement paper to be removed they can write into us at
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