Latest information on JKCET 2017 exam with its notification, exam dates, eligibility, application form also including paper pattern, syllabus, test centres and JKCET result.
Jammu and Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examinations (BOPEE) conducts a Common Entrance Test (JKCET) for admission B.Tech courses in Government and Private Professional Institutions of the State.
JKCET 2017 Dates:-
Apply online at websites / from 27.02.2017 to 27.03.2017.
JKCET 2017 Date:- 28.05.2017.
Single Paper - [PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY AND Mathematics]
10:25 A.M. - Reporting time in the Examination Hall
10:30 A.M. - The invigilator shall ascertain the identity of each candidate by comparing his/her facial appearance with the photographs given on the admit card, and attendance sheet. The centre Superintendent shall also check the identity of the candidates and ensure that only the genuine candidates have been allowed to sit in the examinaiton hall and there is no case of impersonation.
10:45 A.M. - Candidates will be given OMR Answer Sheets. They will go through instructions on the Answer Sheet.
10:55 A.M. - They will be given Quesiton Booklet. The Question Booklet number is to be entered on the Answer Sheet.
11 A.M. - They will break open the seal of the Question Booklet and start attempting the questions.
2 PM - Paper ends
The candidates applying for CET must fulfill the following eligibility conditions:
They must:
be permanent residents of J&K State as defined in Section 6 of the Constitution of J&K;
have passed Hr. Sec. Part II (12th / 10+2) or an equivalent examination from a recognized statutory Board/University;
have obtained 50% marks in aggregate in 10+2 examination in case of open merit category and 40% in aggregate for reserved categories subject to provisions of
Reservation Rules / or any other regulation on the subject;
have passed 10+2 examination with English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as their elective subjects in case of admission to Bachelor of Engineering Courses; and
The candidates appearing / appeared in 10+2 (12th class) Annual Examination can also apply to appear in CET 2017. However, such candidates have to produce their original marks cards before or at the time of counseling/ selection, if they figure in the list of the candidates declared qualified or called for counseling as the case may be. If a candidate has been called for counselling but has failed to secure required percentage of marks in the qualifying examination, he/she shall not be considered for admission.
The candidates applying under TFW category are open merit candidates. They must fulfill eligibility conditions meant for open merit candidates.
JKCET 2017 Pattern:-
CET shall consist of two a Single Paper with three sections comprising of Physics and Chemistry and Mathematics with 180 questions (60 questions from each section). The questions shall be multiple choice objective type with one mark each. There will be 0.25negative marks for each wrong answer;
Duration - 3 Hours
JKCET 2017 Brochure