Get information on LIC Application form 2016, Apply Online for ADO, AAO, DSE and FSE Recruitment.
LIC Recruitment 2016 LIC Exam
Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is the most trusted and bankable name in the indian insurance and equity sector. It's diverse network of offices cover each part of the country making it is a major as far as life insurance and mutual fund investments are concerned. Employees continue to the remain the fulcrum of all of the corporation's services. Job seekers across every category are assured of the best training that serves as a base for a rewarding career in LIC. Hence the LIC application form for recruitment is the first and the most important step for any applicant.
The first and most important point before getting into the details of application
For any vacancy in LIC, candidates need to apply online. However there are some cases where applicants can apply through offline means that is posting application along with documents through registered or speed post. Hence it is important that you go through the entire application procedure in particular the HOW TO APPLY section that is printed or published in any LIC recruitment notification.
Instructions for candidates applying online
- Please check the starting date and the last date of application. Please note that after the stipulated date applications would not be accepted.
- Before applying online you need to have a valid email id. If not it should be created at the earliest. The ID should be valid during the entire process.
- Next you are required to pay fees at the nearest LIC Collection Center. The bank receipt with reference number should be preserved for online registration.
- At the time of application keep all necessary documents in hand. This would help avoid mistakes.
- On completing the application procedure applicants are required to check through the entire form once again before final submission.
- On Submission of online please note Unique Application Registration Number. This will be useful for future reference.
- After completing application it is advisable that you take two printouts of the online application form. This is will be beneficial both for future use and correspondence.
Instructions for candidates applying offline
- First all it is important to check the dates for applications and whether applications would be accepted through offline means.
- The application form can be either downloaded or obtained from an LIC office. In case of LIC application form download take a printout of the application on A4 size foolscap paper.
- Please carefully fill the form avoiding overwriting and cancellations.
- Please sign at the places provided for the same.
- A single envelope should contain a single application only.
- The envelope used should be of good quality and the address be super scribed in bold letters.
Cases in which an application form can be rejected
- Applications that are not filled online or do not reach on the stipulated date would not be accepted
- Incomplete application would not be accepted
- Applications of those who are not eligible for a particular post will also not be accepted.
- Applications of candidates who have not paid the application fee would not be accepted.