Welcome to MSBTE Exam Section. Here you will find MSBTE Exam 2017 Dates, Summer, Winter Time Table, Hall Tickets and Results of Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education.
MSBTE Winter 2017 Time Table
MSBTE Syllabus
MSBTE Sample Papers
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education is an autonomous organization of Government of Maharashtra. The autonomy was accorded as per Maharashtra Act No. 38 0f 1997and the same is notified in the official Gazette of Government of Maharashtra on 6th August 1997. It has come into effect from 1/4/1999 vide Government Resolution No EXM 2596/2148(3/96)/TE-2 dated 31 March 1999. As per Maharashtra Act 38 of 1997 clause no.46 (1), the Board is empowered to form its regulations, and accordingly the Examination Regulations have been framed. These regulations are resolved by the Governing Board in its proceedings of eleventh meeting held on 10th October 2006, vide item no. 11.3 of the minutes.
The MSBTE is offering more than 125 Diploma courses in the State of Maharashtra. For effective implementation of these courses the regulations have been framed.
List of MSBTE Engineering Technology Institutes
MSBTE Courses list
MSBTE previous year question papers
MSBTE Contact Details:-
Government Polytechnic,
4th floor ,49, Kherwadi,
Bandra (E), Mumbai-400 051.
Ph:- 91-022-26471255, 26472122, 26475077, 26478296